05.11. - 20:00 - Driving Madeleine OmU
18.09.2024 - ESOC Ciné-Club
Driving Madeleine is a 2022 film about a life story and a fateful taxi ride.
An annoyed taxi driver and his 92-year-old customer: slowly a conversation develops, in which each one offers insight into the life of the other.
The taxi scenes transition into flashbacks, but the focus is on Madeleine and her life path. A film about the things that matter in life.
Une belle course Originalsprache mit deutschen Untertiteln
Frankreich 2023, 91 min R Christian Carion B Cyril Gely K Pierre Cottereau M Philippe Rombi D Line Renaud, Dany Boon, Alice Isaaz, Gwendoline Hamon, Hadriel Roure
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