04.03. - 20:00  - Sidonie in Japan OmU

04.03. - 20:00 - Sidonie in Japan OmU

 18.09.2024 -  ESOC Ciné-Club

Sidonie in Japan is a 2023 film starring the tireless Isabelle Huppert.

It deals with cultural misunderstandings, grief and memories. But the focus is also on the fact that in Japan, spirits and ghosts are taken very seriously and are part of everyday life. This sometimes creates strange situations.

A bittersweet story about overcoming grief and new beginnings. For Japanese friends, it’s a particularly enjoyable movie experience, as the movie settings are simply dreamlike.

Sidonie au Japon Originalsprache mit deutschen Untertiteln
Frankreich / Deutschland / Japan / Schweiz 2024, 95 min R Elise Girard B Elise Girard, Maud Ameline, Sophie Fillières K Céline Bozon M Gérard Massini D Isabelle Huppert, Tsuyoshi Ihara, August Dieh
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